Thursday, June 12, 2008

Dainty Desserts and Comely Coronets!!

Hey, Mom can not have all the fun. I want to put some pics on here as well. Mother has many brilliant schemes, most of them(well all of them) entail brainwashing her nieces to love her the most. The lateset crafty plot was to hold a princess party, complete with wands, tiaras, and cake. Heather and I put on my prom dresses and played princesses. One of the best events of the night was putting makeup on them...even Sammy. Surprisingly it was easier to put the makeup on him. He did not squirm or squint as much as the girls. Well, the soiree was a hit!! -Hailey

1 comment:

WOLF-PACK said...

My son is going to grow up with a complex now!!